Adventures in Seattle · Moving

8 Months

When we were on vacation in Arizona/Mexico we hit our 8 month mark! So crazy! Its been quite the adventure so far, but we are still loving it! We are starting to come into the rainy/wet/grey/gloomy season so hopefully we can survive that!

So far we have made it through the end of winter, spring, summer, and now fall. Its been amazing to actually experience all these seasons! Arizona definitely had summer. Then every other season blended into the next. While there is a lot to enjoy in the weather in Arizona, we’ve really enjoyed the change.

Summer in Washington is basically a month, maybe two. There were time in July we were still wearing jackets! August was definitely warm, September had some warmer days as well. The fall here has been really fun! I have never lived in a place with so much fall color! The streets are on fire! Its so pretty! I love the chill in the air as well. You could get by without a jacket when its not rainy, but its more comfortable with a light coat. I actually really enjoy that type of weather! Chris loves it, its so much easier to regulate your temperature this way, its great! We went to the park this weekend and the kids didn’t want their coats on. I wore one, but didn’t need it. Its been great!

Chris’ work has been going well. He was getting on a really great rhythm, then found out that Zillow needed the members on Chris’ team elsewhere, so he is now on a new team. Before he was on the home improvement team, now he will be on the seller’s team. It was sad for him to leave his group, but he is excited with the new change as well!

We recently  just purchased a second vehicle. We’ve been a one car family since Lilly was born over 3 years ago. We live just far enough from the bus stop that Chris catches for it to be a pain to walk there. If he were to bike he’d bike on a busy, wet road, which would be fine, but then he’d have to lug his bike on the bus, just to store at work, which is a lot of work. (The bus may not even have a spot for his bike, which would stink!) I’ve been taking him to his bus stop, then picking him up there in the evenings, and its been fine, but Chris would prefer to get to work early and we really don’t want to wake up kids. We also have wanted a vehicle with 4wd for camping and winter activities, so that is what we got! We are excited to try it out!

Ryan and Lillian love their school. Lilly only goes 3 days a week and she wishes she went 4 like Ryan, but other than that no complaints. Its been a lot of fun seeing them both thriving in their classes!

I actually have time alone which I haven’t had for 5 years now. Its weird, but SO NICE! I get so much more done, its amazing! Do you know how nice it is to grocery shop without kids? Really  nice!!!! I also have found time to get a few massages, which is never a bad thing!

Ryan recently turned 5 as well. Its so weird that he is 5! We were in Arizona for our birthdays so that was a lot of fun to be able to celebrate with family. Lilly was convinced that it was her birthday as well, and Ryan was the sweetest sharing his day with her. He let her open half his presents, blow out candles, and he told people it was her day too! They don’t come any better than Ryan. I am so glad he is the older brother. He is a great help and has so much love for everyone!

We still have all the projects to do on our house. We were getting ready to start and then Chris’ job got changed up, then we went on vacation, now we will probably wait until the new year. I am wanting to start so things get done, but I am dreading starting, because of the chaos. Chris will do most of it all himself so it will be slower going, since he has a full time job, and I like to spend time with him, but it will save us a bunch of money. Plus Chris is really good at it!

We are still happy here in the PNW. Trying to live it up to its fullest!